In order to better serve the entire state of New Mexico, we have relocated our operation to Caballo, NM. This location affords quick access to Northern NM, while still offering quick response time to our valued customers in Las Cruces. We continue to offer the same great products and provide the same great service.
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Great style and a perfect fit for everyone.
Step One: Get your hat good and wet, inside and out. Spray it, hold it under the faucet or dunk it in a trough or stream.
Step Two: Crease the crown (as shown), putting the seam at the back. Shape the side curves like you want them. For symmetry, look at the inside of the crown while working it.
Step Three: Shape the brim by rolling the edges toward the crown. Exaggerate the roll, maybe even crease it, as the brim will have a tendency to uncurl some when you let it go.
Step Four: For a nice front-to-back curve, stretch the hat lengthwise with your fingers from the inside while pulling down on the ends of the brim with your thumbs.
Wet, your hat will be hard and rigid and feel smaller. Dry, it will be flexible and remember its new shape if crushed. It will not shrink or stretch but will conform to the shape of your head.
Extreme dryness will make you hat brittle. In dry weather an occasional dousing will keep your hat fresher and make it last longer.